Online Wellness Community

Accountability, Guidance, Support—and Community!

Be part of a dynamic online wellness community led by Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach Jason Gootman.

Our Approach

How We Work

We use evidence-based approaches to nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, holistic wellness, and, most importantly, lasting behavior improvement and positive habit formation.


What You Get

You make progress toward and eventually achieve your wellness goals, and you develop a set of sustainable self-care practices you’ll have for the rest of your life.

Specific Benefits

Lose weight and keep it off
Reverse or prevent type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other ailments
Permanently overcome yo-yo dieting
Permanently overcoming emotional eating
Form self-care habits that truly stick
Add years to your life and life to your years


What’s your relationship with self-care?

What’s your current self-care persona? Take our quiz, and we’ll personalize our recommendations to you.

What are your wellness priorities?

What's most important to you when it comes to your well-being? Take our quiz, and we'll personalize our recommendations to you.


How Our Online Wellness Community Works


Our online community has four dynamic components: My Nourishment Tracker, The Prevention Room, Upthrive Academy, and Hot Takes with Jason Gootman.


My Nourishment Tracker: You get to track how much water you're drinking, how often you're exercising, how much sleep you're getting, how your relationships are going, and more using a simple, holistic self-care tracker that prompts you each evening to answer 12 simple questions about your day.


The Prevention Room: You get to hang out each day in a forum with like-minded, like-hearted wellness enthusiasts and participate in self-care challenges together.


Upthrive Academy: You get to take a variety of self-paced wellness courses. You choose the courses most relevant to you and work through them as is helpful to you.


Hot Takes with Jason Gootman: You get to hop on Zoom with Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach Jason Gootman for monthly live question-and-answer sessions.


It's $125 for an annual membership.


You can pay for membership in our online wellness community with money from your health savings account, flexible spending account, or similar account.

The Puvema Way

A New Wellness Paradigm

We take a remarkably refreshing approach to helping you make lifestyle improvements.

The Messed-Up Way

“I know what I need to do: I need to eat less (because I’m a gluttonous pig) and move more (because I’m a lazy sloth).”

The Puvema Way

Nourishing food, nourishing movement, nourishing life!

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

First, you don’t have to be hard on yourself to motivate yourself. In fact, doing so doesn’t usually work very well, and it tends to feel terrible at the same time. Self-care isn’t about doing things to yourself; it’s about doing things for yourself. Second, wellness isn’t only about nutrition and exercise. It’s holistic. At Puvema, we focus on taking great care of ourselves by proactively meeting most of our needs most of the time. We focus on nourishing ourselves holistically.

The Messed-Up Way

“If it tastes good, it’s bad for you; if it tastes bad, it’s good for you.”

The Puvema Way

“It tastes good, and it’s good for you; it’s good for you, and it tastes good.”

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

You don’t have to choose between enjoying food and achieving your wellness goals. At Puvema, we focus on finding the intersection of effectiveness and enjoyment. We get the long-term benefits of taking great care of ourselves, and we thoroughly enjoy the process.

The Messed-Up Way

“No pain, no gain.”

The Puvema Way

“No pain, all gain.”

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

You don’t have to do exercise you hate in order to achieve your wellness goals. At Puvema, we focus on finding the intersection of effectiveness and enjoyment. We get the long-term benefits of taking great care of ourselves, and we thoroughly enjoy the process.

The Messed-Up Way

one-size-fits-all, quick-fix weight-loss scheme | noun | a money-making scheme sold to you by a weight-loss charlatan and snake-oil salesperson that positions you as a sucker, and in short order leaves you exactly where you were, but poorer, and feeling like a failure, again

The Puvema Way

authentic wellness approach | noun | an evidence-based approach to wellness offered to you by an intelligent, caring wellness professional that helps you cultivate sustained wellness, as well as sustained weight loss if you have weight to lose, and is a true investment in yourself that leaves you feeling terrific, both inside and outside

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

Unfortunately, one-size-fits-all, quick-fix weight-loss schemes are everywhere. At Puvema, we take an authentic, humanistic approach to wellness focused on truly thriving.

The Messed-Up Way

diet | noun | a one-size-fits-all, quick-fix, dogmatic system of eating based on exclusion and restriction, done to lose weight quickly and/or gain a sense of control in your life, that fosters yo-yo dieting, weight cycling, and/or a dysfunctional relationship with food, and leaves you feeling like a failure and like you’re constantly battling with food

The Puvema Way

anti-diet (attuned eating) | noun | a personal and natural system of eating based on enjoyment and nourishment, done as self-care, that fosters sustained wellness, as well as sustained weight loss if you have weight to lose, and leaves you feeling in harmony with yourself

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

Unfortunately, toxic-vapid diet culture harms millions of people every day. At Puvema, we employ the perfect antidote: attuned eating. We practice eating–and living–in harmony with ourselves.

The Messed-Up Way

“Just do it.”

The Puvema Way

People successfully make lifestyle improvements when they use evidence-based approaches to lasting behavior improvement and positive habit formation. People successfully make lifestyle improvements when they have robust accountability, guidance, and support.

The Difference
That Makes the Difference

Unfortunately, there are a lot of pervasive pop-psychology myths going around. At Puvema, we rely on evidence-based approaches to lasting behavior improvement and positive habit formation, and we never go it alone. We go it together. Because wellness starts with “we”.

Implementation Gap

Turning Knowledge and Good Intentions into Action, Habits, and Results

Most people know a lot about what they need to do to take great care of themselves and thrive. And many people struggle to consistently do so. This is the exact problem we solve.


Our Expertise

We have extensive training and experience and work in all of these areas:


Real People, Real Stories, Real Success

Here’s what people have to say about The Puvema Way.

I’m loving this community. The courses go deep and are very helpful. They really make you think. And getting to ask Jason questions is awesome.

Amanda Johansen

I love taking a few minutes each evening to reflect on how I’m taking care of myself. It’s simple and incredibly helpful. And I love the daily self-care challenges. They get me doing things I want to be doing but have been putting off. And they’re fun. And it’s cool to see how others approach them.

Michael Glastone

Are you ready to get started?

Reach out today to schedule a conversation, and we’ll get to know each other better.